Can CBD Lose Its Potency Over Time?

CBD oil is a natural product, and like all good things, CBD potency declines over time. The better the quality of the CBD products you buy, the more stable the shelf life. But if you're...

What is The Science Behind CBD Products?

Unless you've been living totally off-grid, you'll likely be aware of cannabidiol (CBD). Chances are you've also heard some of the claims made on its behalf. But what exactly is CBD? Knowing the science behind...

How to Find High-Quality CBD Oil and What to Look Out For

Not all CBD oil is created equal. If you want to know how to find good quality CBD oil, we’ve put together some information on the CBD oil ingredients to look for so that you...

Guide to cooking with CBD

You probably already knew that you can cook with CBD drops. But did you know that you can also use CBD Coffee and CBD Chocolate in a bunch of different recipes? That’s right, there’s no...

Introduction to Reishi Coffee Blend

Coffee is everywhere. Once a little-known delicacy with religious connotations, coffee has now become a staple for many. It was only in 2018 that coffee was announced as being the leading category in e-commerce grocery sales.As...

Mushroom Coffee: Should you be drinking it?

Mushrooms and coffee might not be the first combination you think of for a refreshing brew, but this concoction is revolutionising the coffee world. How?

What is the healthiest coffee?

Nothing is quite as satisfying as a good cup of coffee, is it? Whether you enjoy one (or three) in the morning, in the afternoon, or somewhere in between, it's always a magical experience. However,...

Why CBD should be at the top of your list in 2021

During the lockdown, more people than ever have been turning to CBD-based products, eager to improve their wellness. And the number of products containing CBD, including coffee and chocolate, has exploded over the last couple...

Introduction to Coconut Coffee

Coffee is the world's second most consumed beverage after water, and many of us depend on our morning cup to get our day started and an extra boost to our energy levels. Coconut oil, widely...